Saturday, April 8, 2023

Hairy Vetch

I moved the sheep onto the south field today.  The vetch has grown nicely. 
Odin likes sitting on the hay in the hay feeder.   Sheep don't eat much hay now; I move it around primarily for Odin.

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Getting Together

These are our rams that we are inspecting prior to putting them with the ewes so that lambs will start coming out in early September.   

Jackie walks horse Clu and the sire rams up to the inspection area. 

The ewes and rams are getting reacquainted. 

This is their pasture for the next few days.  As they finish an area we rotate them onto a fresh pasture; trying to do this once a week.  It takes a week for the parasites to hatch out and become infective.  Then without a host within a month the parasites die off.  We are trying to minimize the parasite loading by pasture rotation as well as by selection for resistant sheep by Famacha eyelid inspections and fecal egg counts.